FDEP Drafts Priority Focus Area for Blue Springs Basin Action Management Plan
FDEP has prepared a draft delineation of the Priority Focus Area (PFA) for the Volusia Blue Spring and Spring Run Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP). Restoration to include all area in the BMAP area, but PFA boundary will be focus for 5-year targets. Once the PFA is finalized, as its boundary included some area outside of the BMAP boundary (southwest in Debary), the BMAP area boundary may be amended. View the presentation here.
A BMAP is the "blueprint" for restoring impaired waters by reducing pollutant loadings to meet the allowable loadings established in a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). It represents a comprehensive set of strategies--permit limits on wastewater facilities, urban and agricultural best management practices, conservation programs, financial assistance and revenue generating activities, etc.--designed to implement the pollutant reductions established by the TMDL. These broad-based plans are developed with local stakeholders--they rely on local input and local commitment--and they are adopted by Secretarial Order to be enforceable.